You can try searching our site using the Microsoft Store search box above, or you can browse our site using one of the links below." We contacted Microsoft and indeed it seems the two stories are closely related, though whether the software giant is actually violating the GPL, a widely used (including by the Linux kernel) free software license, is not confirmed. The Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool webpage now brings up the following error: "Sorry, the page you are looking for cannot be found.

Redmond remained quiet until yesterday, when the company pulled the tool in question from its servers. (The author of the code was not contacted by Microsoft.)" A simple search of some method names and properties, gleaned from Reflector's output, revealed the source code was obviously lifted from the CodePlex-hosted (yikes) GPLv2-licensed ImageMaster project. Last week, Within Windows noted something suspicious in regards to Microsoft's use of the GNU's General Public License (GPL): "While poking through the UDF-related internals of the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool, I had a weird feeling there was just wayyyyyyyyy too much code in there for such a simple tool.