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“This is a story rich and layered throughout.” 4/4 (must have), Keith Andrew, Slide to Play (Game of the month)

“Whether you're an established fan of puzzle adventures or just a newcomer to the genre, Beneath a Steel Sky is an absolute delight.” 9/10, Neon Kelly, Subvert the world, hack the systems and solve dark conspiracies to uncover the devastating truth. Play 10+ hours of intense narrative puzzle-solving, meeting an array of dazzling characters, to ultimately uncover a terrible truth. Community Hub Beyond a Steel Sky From multi-award winning Revolution comes ‘Beyond a Steel Sky’, a groundbreaking 3D adventure thriller, set in an AI-driven future. When orphaned Robert Foster is seized at gunpoint from the peaceful village he calls home and flown a thousand miles to a city he’s never seen, he can only ask himself: why me? Escaping from his abductors into the dark metropolis, he vows to avenge the murder of the only family he’s ever known.